Alberta Electric System Operator
System Co-ordination Plan
2025-02-06 to 2025-02-14
Approved Outages

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From To Owner Type Element Scheduled Activity Date/Time Comments Interconnection
05-Oct-18 08:00 30-Jun-26 16:00 EPCOR IO C2 (Rossdale) forced outage 2,825.33 Days
24-Oct-18 01:13 30-Jun-26 16:00 EPCOR IO C1 (Rossdale) forced outage 2,806.62 Days
27-Nov-23 08:00 07-Mar-25 16:00 ENMAX Outage 32.2TR (SS-32) 32 sub 32.2TR 8 kV bus switchgear demolition 466.33 Days
06-May-24 07:00 21-Feb-25 17:00 EPCOR Outage EP 511s Victoria T1 (EP 511s Victoria) Victoria: TX1 LCR, civil, demo, and construction 291.46 Days
26-Jul-24 10:00 31-Mar-25 16:00 ATCO Outage 826s 504R (826s Marguerite Lake) emergency removal to replace failed 502R @834S 248.25 Days
12-Aug-24 08:00 26-Feb-25 16:00 ENMAX Outage 28.1TR (SS-28) 28.1TR transformer replacement 198.38 Days
23-Aug-24 13:45 30-Apr-25 14:29 ALTALINK Outage 157s C1 (157s Lac La Biche) forced outage 250.03 Days
23-Sep-24 10:00 15-May-25 12:00 ATCO TE 741s RTU/SCADA (741s Fox Creek) RTU configuration on new and old RTU's onsite 234.08 Days
04-Oct-24 01:05 05-May-25 12:00 ATCO, ALTALINK Outage 840s McNeill Station, 830L (562s Cypress - 840s McNeill Station), 840s 701T (840s McNeill Station), 840s 901T (840s McNeill Station), 840s 702C (840s McNeill Station), 840s 703C (840s McNeill Station) forced outage 213.45 Days
05-Oct-24 00:00 30-Apr-25 17:00 BHE Canada Outage 120s C1 (120s Picture Butte) forced outage 207.71 Days
21-Oct-24 12:00 12-May-25 17:30 ATCO TE 741s Protection & Control (741s Fox Creek) block 144kv and 25 kv bus protection and breaker fail protection for the duration of 741s project 203.23 Days
28-Oct-24 07:00 14-Feb-25 17:00 EPCOR TE EP 511s Protection & Control (EP 511s Victoria) protection blocking for protection upgrade and annual maintenance 109.46 Days
08-Nov-24 16:00 07-Feb-25 17:00 EPCOR Outage 816s P2404 (816s Petrolia) P2404 vendor gas mixture repair 91.04 Days
26-Dec-24 17:07 13-Feb-25 07:59 ALTALINK Outage 38s C1 (38s East Edmonton) forced outage 48.62 Days
26-Dec-24 17:07 07-Feb-25 18:00 ALTALINK Outage 256s C1 (256s Harmattan) forced outage 43.04 Days
03-Jan-25 07:00 07-Mar-25 17:00 EPCOR TE 805s Protection & Control (805s Jasper), 805s RTU/SCADA (805s Jasper) protection blocking for P&C maintenance at Jasper 63.42 Days
06-Jan-25 09:30 21-Jun-25 18:00 ALTALINK Outage 150L (42s Sarcee - 150AL tap), 42s 150W (42s Sarcee) arctic arrow will require a GOI on 150L to rebuild the section of line from structure 47-198. 166.31 Days
13-Jan-25 07:00 07-Feb-25 17:00 EPCOR Outage T1 (Meadowlark) meadowlark tx1 bay outage 25.42 Days
13-Jan-25 07:00 14-Mar-25 17:00 EPCOR Outage 987s T2 (987s Clover Bar), 987s C2406 (987s Clover Bar), 987s C2410 (987s Clover Bar), 987s C2409 (987s Clover Bar), 987s CC721 (987s Clover Bar), 987s CDS45 (987s Cloverbar), 987s CDS31 (987s Clover Bar) Cloverbar TX2 and 1191L bay outage 60.38 Days
13-Jan-25 07:00 04-Apr-25 17:00 EPCOR TE 330p Protection & Control (330p Genesee), 330p RTU/SCADA (330p Genesee) Genessee - 138/500 kV protection blocking for relay maintenance and configuration changes 81.38 Days
13-Jan-25 12:00 07-Feb-25 16:00 ATCO TE 905s Protection & Control (905s Meikle) testing breaker fail relays, 25.17 Days
20-Jan-25 08:00 10-Feb-25 17:00 ATCO IO 809s RTU/SCADA (809s Louise Creek) station controller (RTU) requires a firmware upgrade for CIP compliance 21.38 Days
24-Jan-25 00:00 14-Feb-25 00:00 ALTALINK Outage 74s C3 (74s Janet) forced outage 21 Days
25-Jan-25 08:00 21-Feb-25 16:00 ENMAX TE Protection & Control (SS-28) 28 sub Z31 138 kV bus differential protection outage - commission 28.1TR protection 27.33 Days
25-Jan-25 08:00 21-Feb-25 16:00 ENMAX TE Protection & Control (SS-28) 28 sub 138 kV autoswitching scheme outage - commission 28.1TR protection 27.33 Days
25-Jan-25 08:00 21-Feb-25 16:00 ENMAX TE Protection & Control (SS-28) 28 sub BMR-81 outage -commission 28.1TR protection 27.33 Days
25-Jan-25 08:00 21-Feb-25 16:00 ENMAX TE Protection & Control (SS-28) 28PT138-Z31 sec. outage - commission 28.1TR protection 27.33 Days
27-Jan-25 07:00 14-Feb-25 17:00 EPCOR Outage 72RG1 (Garneau - Rossdale), T2 (Garneau), G724 (Garneau), G725 (Garneau), G726 (Garneau), RG7210 (Rossdale), GAB2 (Garneau), GDS18 (Garneau) TX2/RG1 zone- 72 kV switchgear SF6 overhaul with GE 18.42 Days
27-Jan-25 08:00 06-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK RB 610L (83s Taber - 336s Fincastle) setting structures adjacent to existing 610L (str 1-102) - proximity for VATD project 10.38 Days
27-Jan-25 08:00 07-Feb-25 16:00 ENMAX, ALTALINK TE 21.80L (42s Sarcee - SS-21) 21.80L A and B line protection outage - relay protection end to end test 11.33 Days
28-Jan-25 09:00 06-Feb-25 09:00 CUB, ALTALINK Outage 672s 901T (672s Fengate Co-Generation), 430s 589 (430s Ursus) AESO compliance testing 9 Days
03-Feb-25 07:00 07-Feb-25 17:00 EPCOR Outage T2 (Poundmaker), PM2405 (Poundmaker), PM2401 (Poundmaker) Poundmaker: TX2 zone relay maintenance 4.42 Days
03-Feb-25 07:00 04-Apr-25 17:30 ATCO TE 769s Protection & Control (769s Stettler), 769s RTU/SCADA (769s Stettler) new RTU installation at 769S 60.4 Days
03-Feb-25 07:00 07-Feb-25 17:00 EPCOR Outage 72RV2 (EP 511s Victoria - Rossdale), EP 511s Victoria T1 (EP 511s Victoria), EP 511s V729 (EP 511s Victoria), EP 511s V721 (EP 511s Victoria), EP 511s V722 (EP 511s Victoria), RV728 (Rossdale) Victoria: TX1 LCR commissioning and scaffold removal and V729 relay maintenance 4.42 Days
03-Feb-25 07:00 06-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK TE AltaLink RTU/SCADA (AltaLink) new RTU installation and commissioning for ACC connection via MPLS digital 3.42 Days
03-Feb-25 08:00 07-Feb-25 16:00 ENMAX Outage 16.63L (SS-16 - SS-36), 36.5TR (SS-36), 36B69-16.63/36.5TR (SS-36), 16B69-16.63 (SS-16) HV SW Replacement 36SW61 4.33 Days
03-Feb-25 09:00 28-Mar-25 17:00 ATCO TE 730s RTU/SCADA (730s Rycroft) change RTU configuration 53.29 Days
03-Feb-25 09:00 06-Feb-25 16:00 ALTALINK Outage 133s T1 (133s Stelco Edmonton), 133s T2 (133s Stelco Edmonton) install grounds to provide working clearance for maintenance downstream 3.29 Days
03-Feb-25 10:00 07-Feb-25 16:30 ATCO Outage 7L129 (710s Vermilion - 7LA129 tap) replace structures, cross arms and insulators on 7L129 4.27 Days
03-Feb-25 10:00 17-Feb-25 17:00 ATCO Outage 800s 601 (800s Friedenstal) upgrade 6L37 21A/21B protections, new protection panel 14.29 Days
03-Feb-25 10:00 06-Feb-25 16:00 ATCO TE 709s Protection & Control (709s Vegreville) relay testing PRC-005 3.25 Days
03-Feb-25 12:00 07-Feb-25 18:00 ALTALINK RB 903L (17s Benalto - 320p Keephills) proximity RB for line component replacement on 190L (STR24-417) 4.25 Days
03-Feb-25 12:00 07-Feb-25 18:00 ALTALINK Outage 190L (17s Benalto - 320p Keephills) component replacement on 190L (STR24-417) 4.25 Days
03-Feb-25 12:00 14-Feb-25 16:00 ATCO TE 934s Protection & Control (934s Black Fly) relay testing
11.17 Days
04-Feb-25 06:00 06-Feb-25 18:00 EPCOR Outage 113s T1 (113s Inland Cement) customer request 2.5 Days
04-Feb-25 07:00 09-Feb-25 19:00 ATCO RB 9L20 (755s Cordel - 766s Nevis) facilitate various construction activities on CETO 5.5 Days
04-Feb-25 07:00 06-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK TE 320p RTU/SCADA (320P Keephills) replace failed RTU 2.42 Days
04-Feb-25 08:00 14-Feb-25 15:00 ATCO TE 800s Protection & Control (800s Friedenstal), 800s RTU/SCADA (800s Friedenstal) CSP for upcoming scheduled outage on breaker 601 10.29 Days
04-Feb-25 09:00 11-Feb-25 17:00 ATCO Outage 7L23 (796s Nipisi - 7L23 tap), 7L23 (732s Mitsue - 7L23 tap), 796s 702 (796s Nipisi) complete CAR cross arm replacements & TCM wood pole replacements 7.33 Days
04-Feb-25 09:00 16-Feb-25 17:00 ATCO Outage 7L56 (725s Goose River - 738s Virginia Hills) replacing cross arms and poles at various structures from 809S Louise Creek substation to 813S Little Smoky substation 12.33 Days
04-Feb-25 10:00 07-Feb-25 16:00 ATCO TE 745s Protection & Control (745s Slave Lake), 745s RTU/SCADA (745s Slave Lake) updates to 601T relay settings or configs, relay complete testing on 6L73 and 6L99, and wiring updates to non electrical circuits 3.25 Days
05-Feb-25 08:00 06-Feb-25 17:00 ATCO TE 809s Protection & Control (809s Louise Creek) 21B-50BF/7L56 firmware upgrade for CIP compliance 1.38 Days
05-Feb-25 08:00 06-Feb-25 17:00 ATCO TE 809s Protection & Control (809s Louise Creek) 87TB/901T firmware upgrade for CIP compliance 1.38 Days
05-Feb-25 08:00 06-Feb-25 17:30 BHE Canada Outage MATL (120s Picture Butte - Montana), 120s 1052 (120s Picture Butte), 120s 1352 (120s Picture Butte) emergency maintenance outage 1.4 Days
05-Feb-25 09:00 06-Feb-25 16:00 ATCO TE 934s Protection & Control (934s Black Fly) PRC
240kV relay testing
31 Hours
05-Feb-25 09:00 06-Feb-25 16:00 ATCO TE 905s Protection & Control (905s Meikle) PRC 21A/7L62, 21B/7L62 relay testing 31 Hours
05-Feb-25 09:00 06-Feb-25 16:05 ATCO TE ATCO Telecom Equipment 1045s Garden Plain-9LA59_87L-21B_SEL-411L relay firmware upgrade and settings update 31.08 Hours
05-Feb-25 09:00 06-Feb-25 16:30 ATCO TE 801s Protection & Control (801s Anderson) 87L-21B/9L59 relay firmware upgrade and settings update 31.5 Hours
05-Feb-25 09:00 06-Feb-25 16:30 ATCO TE 972s Protection & Control (972s Tinchebray) 87L-21B/9L59 relay firmware upgrade and settings update 31.5 Hours
05-Feb-25 09:00 06-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK TE 67s Protection & Control (67s Stirling) change settings for the re-build @ 344s 1.33 Days
05-Feb-25 13:00 14-Feb-25 15:30 ATCO TE 848s Protection & Control (848s Ruth Lake), 848s RTU/SCADA (848s Ruth Lake) commissioning new 401 breaker, may need to block protection on 901T RTU updates for new breaker alarming 9.1 Days
05-Feb-25 13:00 14-Feb-25 15:30 ATCO Outage 848s 401R (848s Ruth Lake), 848s 401 (848s Ruth Lake) replace breaker 401 9.1 Days
06-Feb-25 00:00 06-Feb-25 16:30 ALTALINK TE 562s Protection & Control (562s Cypress) block trip outputs of the GE L90 relays on 658L 16.5 Hours
06-Feb-25 08:00 07-Feb-25 16:00 ENMAX Outage 162.3TR (SS-162), 162B138-RB85 (SS-162), 162B138-RB86 (SS-162), 162MD138-162.3TR (SS-162) maintenance on 162SW92, 162SW93, and 162.3TR 1.33 Days
06-Feb-25 08:00 09-Feb-25 16:00 Syncrude Outage 89-17 (Aurora), TL-1 (Aurora - Aurora) to allow projects to tie into line to provide power to a new project 3.33 Days
06-Feb-25 08:00 06-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK TE AltaLink Telecom Equipment repair radio 9 Hours
06-Feb-25 08:00 06-Feb-25 16:00 ALTALINK TE 649s Protection & Control (649s Chappice Lake) block trip outputs of the GE L90 relays on 658L 8 Hours
06-Feb-25 08:00 06-Feb-25 16:30 ALTALINK TE 662s Protection & Control (662s Hilda) block trip outputs of the GE L90 relays on 658L 8.5 Hours
06-Feb-25 08:30 06-Feb-25 17:30 ALTALINK Outage 87s 1052 (87s Gaetz) first trip and PRC005 breaker maintenance 9 Hours
06-Feb-25 09:00 06-Feb-25 17:00 ATCO TE 717s RTU/SCADA (717S Ethel Lake), ATCO Telecom Equipment add RS232 card 8 Hours
06-Feb-25 10:00 06-Feb-25 14:00 ALTALINK, TRANSALTA Outage 250p T2 (250p Bighorn Plant) maintenance 4 Hours
06-Feb-25 10:00 06-Feb-25 16:00 ATCO Outage 6L05 (764s Heisler - 843s Bigknife Creek) Replace a damaged pole. 6 Hours
07-Feb-25 07:00 07-Feb-25 17:00 EPCOR Outage 52s T2 (52s East Industrial), 52s E2402 (52s East Industrial) emergency LV bushing investigation 10 Hours
07-Feb-25 08:00 08-Feb-25 17:00 ATCO TE 809s Protection & Control (809s Louise Creek) 87B/700BS firmware upgrade for CIP compliance. 1.38 Days
07-Feb-25 08:00 08-Feb-25 17:00 ATCO TE 809s Protection & Control (809s Louise Creek) 87TB/902T firmware upgrade for CIP compliance. 1.38 Days
07-Feb-25 08:00 08-Feb-25 17:00 ATCO TE 809s Protection & Control (809s Louise Creek) 51B-27-50BF/701C firmware upgrade for CIP compliance. 1.38 Days
07-Feb-25 08:00 07-Feb-25 17:00 SUNCOR TE 635EDD-1001 Protection & Control (635EDD-1001) 635PP-1006 Bus Protection A Relay B95 outage to replace its CPU, 9 Hours
07-Feb-25 17:00 14-Feb-25 17:00 EPCOR Outage EP 511s Victoria T1 (EP 511s Victoria), EP 511s V721 (EP 511s Victoria), EP 511s V722 (EP 511s Victoria), EP 511s VAB1 (EP 511s Victoria) commissioning and V721 relay maintenance 7 Days
08-Feb-25 07:00 08-Feb-25 18:00 ALTALINK Outage 749L (648s Metiskow - 749AL tap) Install clamp stars at structures 18, 54, 56 and 57. 11 Hours
08-Feb-25 08:00 13-Feb-25 16:00 ENMAX Outage 39.82L (SS-39 - SS-162) Install interphase spacers on 39.82L 5.33 Days
08-Feb-25 10:00 08-Feb-25 14:00 ENMAX Outage 31.1TR (SS-31) 31.1TC - low oil alarm - top up needed 4 Hours
08-Feb-25 14:00 08-Feb-25 18:00 ENMAX Outage 14.4TR (SS-14) 14.4TR -LTC low oil 4 Hours
09-Feb-25 07:00 09-Feb-25 18:00 ALTALINK Outage 749L (899s Edgerton - 7LB749 tap) Urgent outage to install clamp stars at structures 345, 347 and 367. 11 Hours
09-Feb-25 08:00 10-Feb-25 17:00 ATCO TE 809s Protection & Control (809s Louise Creek) 21B/9L02 firmware upgrade for CIP compliance. Redundant protection will remain in service at all times. 1.38 Days
09-Feb-25 08:00 10-Feb-25 17:00 ATCO TE 809s Protection & Control (809s Louise Creek) 51NGR/901T firmware upgrade for CIP compliance. Redundant protection will remain in service at all times. 1.38 Days
10-Feb-25 07:00 10-Feb-25 17:00 EPCOR Outage RW727 (Rossdale) Rossdale: RW727 Breaker Maintenance 10 Hours
10-Feb-25 07:00 14-Feb-25 17:00 EPCOR Outage T3 (Poundmaker), PM2405 (Poundmaker), PM2404 (Poundmaker) Poundmaker: TX3 Zone Relay Maintenance 4.42 Days
10-Feb-25 07:00 16-Feb-25 19:00 ATCO RB 9L20 (755s Cordel - 766s Nevis) HOP on 9l20 to facilitate various construction activities on CETO 6.5 Days
10-Feb-25 07:30 10-Feb-25 11:30 ENMAX, ALTALINK IO 50L (44s Bearspaw Plant - SS-21) Enmax to remove switch blade at SW88. Required due to SW88 not opening to 90 degrees, This allow Enmax to be able to issue SW88 To Altalink for 60s50 outage 4 Hours
10-Feb-25 08:00 14-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK RB 610L (83s Taber - 336s Fincastle) setting structures adjacent to existing 610L (STR 1-102) (Proximity) for VATD project 4.38 Days
10-Feb-25 08:00 13-Feb-25 17:30 ATCO RB 7L09 tap HOP on 7L09 to change rotten cross arms and poles using live line techniques 3.4 Days
10-Feb-25 08:00 11-Feb-25 16:00 ENMAX Outage 162B138-RB92 (SS-162), 162.4TR (SS-162), 162B138-RB94 (SS-162) HV SW Maint. 162SW106, 162SW107, 162SW109, MD-162.4TR. Check reversing switch 162.4TR 1.33 Days
10-Feb-25 08:00 11-Feb-25 16:30 ENMAX, ALTALINK Outage 162.81L (391s Balzac - SS-162), 391s 162.81 (391s Balzac), 162B138-RB80 (SS-162), 162B138-RB81 (SS-162), 162MD138-162.81 (SS-162) HV switch maintenance 1.35 Days
10-Feb-25 08:00 14-Feb-25 17:00 ATCO TE 749s Flyingshot Lake Protection & Control relay settings changes to decrease the zone 2 tripping time to 15 cycles on 7L33 4.38 Days
10-Feb-25 08:00 14-Feb-25 17:00 ATCO TE 845s Protection & Control (845s Big Mountain) relay settings changes to decrease the zone 2 tripping time to 15 cycles on 7L33 4.38 Days
10-Feb-25 08:00 14-Feb-25 16:00 ENMAX TE 3.82L (SS-3 - SS-8) 3.82L A and B line protection outage. relays end to end test -138-3.82L-GE,-SEL. relay protection test 3RLY138-3.82-GE, 3RLY138-3.82-SEL. 8RLY138-3.82L-GE, 8RLY138-3.82L-SEL 4.33 Days
10-Feb-25 08:00 10-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK TE 67s Protection & Control (67s Stirling) Online setting change. Redundant protection in service at all times. Momentary alarm as settings are changed on relay. 9 Hours
10-Feb-25 08:00 10-Feb-25 12:00 ENMAX, ALTALINK Outage 50L (44s Bearspaw Plant - SS-21), 21.2TR (SS-21), 21.1C (SS-21), 44s 50X (44s Bearspaw Plant), 60s50 (SS-21), 21B138-21.CAP (SS-21) urgent outage to remove 138kV bus risers from the top of SW88 (SS-21) to 21sub 138kV bus in order to provide adequate isolation for 60s50 CT replacement 4 Hours
10-Feb-25 08:30 13-Feb-25 16:30 ATCO TE 801s Protection & Control (801s Anderson) working on 9L100 A and B protection relays 3.33 Days
10-Feb-25 08:30 13-Feb-25 16:30 ATCO TE 807s Protection & Control (807s Sheerness) working on 9L100 A and B protection relays. 3.33 Days
10-Feb-25 09:00 14-Mar-25 17:00 BCH Outage T3 (BCH Natal) NTL Station Rebuild. T3 OOS for PN replacement 32.29 Days
10-Feb-25 09:00 10-Feb-25 14:00 ATCO Outage 7L92 (709s Vegreville - 7LA92 tap) GOI required to develop work method changing a wishbone structure with the line wise live line jib. 5 Hours
10-Feb-25 09:00 14-Feb-25 13:00 ALTALINK, EPCOR Outage 1043L (320p Keephills - 367s Harry Smith) Replace CVT1 and 1043L strain insulators. 4.17 Days
10-Feb-25 09:00 28-Feb-25 17:00 BCH TE 2L113 (BCH Cranbrook - BCH Natal), T3 (BCH Natal) protection work 18.33 Days
10-Feb-25 09:00 10-Feb-25 17:00 CMH Outage MHS-1 69kV South Bus (MHS-1 Power P Switchyard), MH-8L (MHS-1 CMH Power Plant - MHS-6 CMH Riverview) isolation to provide clearance for a transformer being offloaded at the switchyard. 8 Hours
10-Feb-25 09:00 28-Feb-25 17:00 BCH Outage 2CB1 (BCH Natal) NTL station rebuild 18.33 Days
10-Feb-25 09:30 10-Feb-25 17:30 ATCO TE 790s Protection & Control (790s Poplar Hill) microprocessor relay testing. 8 Hours
10-Feb-25 09:30 10-Feb-25 14:30 ALTALINK RB 860L (44s Bearspaw Plant - 291s Cochrane) removing raptor nest from STR 56 5 Hours
10-Feb-25 10:00 17-Feb-25 08:00 ATCO Outage 7L32 (811s Clairmont Lake - 862s South Bezanson) changing rotten X arms and rotten poles 6.92 Days
10-Feb-25 10:00 14-Feb-25 16:30 ATCO, ALTALINK RB 7L129 (526s Buffalo Creek - 7LA129 tap), 7L129 (710s Vermilion - 7LA129 tap) replace structures and cross arms on 7L129 , live line. 4.27 Days
10-Feb-25 10:00 13-Feb-25 15:30 ATCO Outage 848s 604 (848s Ruth Lake), 848s 606 (848s Ruth Lake) replace breaker 401, clearance under/around the 72KV bus is required for 401 placement 3.23 Days
10-Feb-25 10:00 14-Feb-25 16:30 ATCO, ALTALINK RB 7L129 (526s Buffalo Creek - 7LA129 tap) replace structures and cross arms on 7L129 , live line 4.27 Days
10-Feb-25 10:00 12-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK TE 69s Protection & Control (69s North Barrhead) Techs will be performing redundant relay mtce. on 723L. Non-redundant mtce. will be performed on 69s 240kV BUS protection. 2.29 Days
10-Feb-25 11:00 12-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK TE 954L (648s Metiskow - 650s Hansman Lake), 648s Protection & Control (648s Metiskow) Protection repair/testing "A" out of service during protection replacement. Line prot is redundant, "B" will remain in service at all times 2.25 Days
10-Feb-25 11:00 12-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK TE 954L (648s Metiskow - 650s Hansman Lake), 650s Protection & Control (650s Hansman Lake) Protection repair/testing "A" out of service during protection replacement. Line prot is redundant, "B" will remain in service at all times 2.25 Days
10-Feb-25 11:00 13-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK TE 648s Protection & Control (648s Metiskow) Maintainence on A87/T3, 472L A21-P1/L8, A21-P2/L8, S51G/L8, A67G/L8, S21-P3/L8 protections. Redundant protection always in service. Maintainence on 96/552, 27-C/L8, UF 81 protections. No redundancy. 3.25 Days
10-Feb-25 12:00 14-Feb-25 18:00 ALTALINK RB 190L (17s Benalto - 320p Keephills) proximity 190L RB for structure replacement at 903L24 4.25 Days
10-Feb-25 12:00 14-Feb-25 18:00 ALTALINK Outage 903L (17s Benalto - 320p Keephills) Structure replacement at 903L24 4.25 Days
10-Feb-25 12:00 14-Feb-25 16:00 ATCO TE 939s Protection & Control (939s Livock) PRC relay testing 4.17 Days
10-Feb-25 12:00 14-Feb-25 16:00 ATCO TE 934s Protection & Control (934s Black Fly) 240kV relay testing 4.17 Days
10-Feb-25 12:00 13-Feb-25 15:00 ENMAX Outage 21.4TR (SS-21) Outage required to remove 21sub bus differential relay from service. Altalink 60s50 CT replacement 3.13 Days
10-Feb-25 12:00 13-Feb-25 15:00 ENMAX Outage 21.1C (SS-21) Outage required to remove 21sub bus differential relay from service. Altalink 60s50 CT replacement 3.13 Days
10-Feb-25 12:00 13-Feb-25 15:00 ENMAX TE Protection & Control (SS-21) 21sub 138kV bus differential protection outage 3.13 Days
10-Feb-25 12:01 13-Feb-25 15:00 ENMAX, ALTALINK Outage 50L (44s Bearspaw Plant - SS-21), 60s50 (SS-21) urgent replace CTs at breaker C60s50 3.12 Days
11-Feb-25 07:00 11-Feb-25 17:30 ALTALINK RB 729L (40s Wetaskiwin - 729AL tap), 729L (542s Ervick - 729AL tap), 729L (285s East Camrose - 542s Ervick) REA to install new tap on 729L 10.5 Hours
11-Feb-25 07:30 12-Feb-25 17:30 ALTALINK RB 719L (263s Strachan - 719AL tap), 719L (378s Shell Caroline - 719BL tap), 719L (719AL tap - 719BL tap), 719AL (581s Amoco Ricinus - 719L tap), 719BL (634s Shell Raven River - 719L tap) inspecting woodpecker damage on STRs 253, 254, 310, 319 & 334 1.42 Days
11-Feb-25 08:00 11-Feb-25 16:00 ALTALINK TE 489s RTU/SCADA (489s Petro Canada Brazeau River) fuse change required on radio 8 Hours
11-Feb-25 08:00 13-Feb-25 20:00 SUNCOR TE 29EDD-1 952-104 (29EDD-1 Millennium) 29EDD-1 29-952-104 PRC5 checks 2.5 Days
11-Feb-25 08:00 14-Feb-25 16:00 Syncrude Outage 89-26 (Aurora) SCL - Isolate TL-2 Transmission line to allow for Projects to tie in a new Project. 3.33 Days
11-Feb-25 08:00 11-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK, Travers2SolarLP TE 991s RTU/SCADA (991s Little Bow) fix SCADA/OT connection issues on the following relay: B87/27/L1 9 Hours
11-Feb-25 08:00 11-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK, Travers2SolarLP TE 991s Protection & Control (991s Little Bow) relay outage to fix SCADA/OT connection issues 1005L B87/27/L1 9 Hours
11-Feb-25 08:00 11-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK TE 356s Protection & Control (356s Milo) relay outage to isolate 1005L B87/21/79/L1 required to fix SCADA/OT connection issues at 991s 9 Hours
11-Feb-25 08:00 11-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK TE 120s Protection & Control (120s Picture Butte) relay outage to isolate 1005L B87/21/79/L1 required to fix SCADA/OT connection issues at 991s 9 Hours
11-Feb-25 08:00 11-Feb-25 12:00 ENMAX Outage 35.1TR (SS-35) investigate transformer protection 4 Hours
11-Feb-25 09:00 21-Feb-25 17:00 ENMAX, ALTALINK Outage 1109L (SS-25 - SS-65), 240kV West Bus (SS-25), 25B240-D133 (SS-25), 25B240-D136 (SS-25), 25B240-D142 (SS-25), 25B240-D141 (SS-25), 25B240-D139 (SS-25), 65MD240-1109 (SS-65) 25s 240kV West Bus and 1109L outage required due to clearances while placing new cables onto strs (1109L STR1 and C25s). 10.33 Days
11-Feb-25 09:00 21-Feb-25 17:00 ENMAX, ALTALINK Outage 240kV West Bus (SS-25), 1109L (SS-25 - SS-65) Altalink outage. 25s 240kV West Bus and 1109L outage required due to clearances while placing new cables onto strs (1109L STR1 and C25s). Enmax to install grounds at 25s. 10.33 Days
11-Feb-25 09:30 11-Feb-25 17:30 ATCO TE 790s Protection & Control (790s Poplar Hill) relay testing 8 Hours
11-Feb-25 10:00 13-Feb-25 16:00 ATCO TE 940s Protection & Control (940s Beartrap) relay testing 2.25 Days
11-Feb-25 12:00 14-Feb-25 16:00 ATCO TE 797s Protection & Control (797s Kemp River) Addition of 86 lockout protection, commissioning/wiring on transformer protection circuits 3.17 Days
11-Feb-25 12:00 11-Feb-25 16:00 ENMAX Outage 3.3TR (SS-3) investigate transformer protection 4 Hours
12-Feb-25 06:00 12-Feb-25 17:00 ATCO IO ATCO RTU/SCADA SOC2 backup control centre activation
system operation will perform the failover to SOC2 Edmonton.
11 Hours
12-Feb-25 07:00 14-Feb-25 18:00 ALTALINK Outage 702L (137s Sedgewick - 377s AML Hardisty), 137s 169X (137s Sedgewick) Replace structures 269, 270, 329 & 330. Install bird diverters on OHSW from structure 328 to 335. 2.46 Days
12-Feb-25 07:00 14-Feb-25 18:00 ATCO RB 7L702 (137s Sedgewick - 757s Battle River) AltaLink scope: replace structures 269, 270, 329 & 330. install bird diverters on OHSW from structure 328 to 335.
block reclosing for AltaLink
2.46 Days
12-Feb-25 07:00 12-Feb-25 17:00 EPCOR Outage T1 (Woodcroft) Woodcroft: TX1 temperature probe repair 10 Hours
12-Feb-25 07:00 14-Feb-25 18:00 ALTALINK RB 702L (137s Sedgewick - 377s AML Hardisty), 702L (137s Sedgewick - 757s Battle River) installing bucket pile at structure 84 2.46 Days
12-Feb-25 08:00 13-Feb-25 16:00 ENMAX, ALTALINK IO 162B240-RB133 (SS-162), 918L (281s Johnson - SS-162), 162B240-RB132 (SS-162), 162MD240-918L (SS-162) high voltage switching maintenance. 162SW135, 162SW134. MD-918L 1.33 Days
12-Feb-25 08:00 13-Feb-25 16:30 ENMAX, ALTALINK Outage 918L (281s Johnson - SS-162), 162B240-RB133 (SS-162), 162B240-RB132 (SS-162), 162MD240-918L (SS-162) high voltage switching maintenance. 162SW135, 162SW134. MD-918L 1.35 Days
12-Feb-25 08:00 12-Feb-25 10:00 ATCO TE ATCO Telecom Equipment, 728s RTU/SCADA (728s Mercer Hill) Transfer the Battery Bank from the DC Distribution to the Unity Rectifier. Impact to the following traffic: 845s 7L33 A&B, 811s 7L68 A&B, 845s 7L228 A&B, 845s 7L45 21B, 845s 7L46 21B, 7LA33 A&B, 728s Mercer hill RTU. 2 Hours
12-Feb-25 08:00 13-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK TE 103s Protection & Control (103s Goose Lake) techs will be removing 103s 613L RAS 129A & B one at a time for trip logic changes. redundant protection to remain in service at all times. 1.38 Days
12-Feb-25 08:00 13-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK TE 205s Protection & Control (205s Castle Rock Ridge) techs will be removing 103s 613L RAS 129A & B one at a time for trip logic changes. redundant protection to remain in service at all times. 1.38 Days
12-Feb-25 08:00 14-Feb-25 16:00 Syncrude Outage 1435 (Syncrude Mildred Lake), Mildred T14 (Syncrude Mildred Lake) SCL - isolate transformer T14 for inspection and to add oil, 2.33 Days
12-Feb-25 09:00 18-Feb-25 09:00 CUB, ALTALINK Outage 672s 902T (672s Fengate Co-Generation), 430s 689 (430s Ursus) AESO compliance testing 6 Days
13-Feb-25 08:00 13-Feb-25 17:30 ALTALINK Outage 38s C1 (38s East Edmonton) techs to troubleshoot, repair contactors and perform PRC005 maintenance on C1 cap bank breaker 9.5 Hours
13-Feb-25 08:00 13-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK TE 198s Protection & Control (198s Blackfalds) PRC maintenance 9 Hours
13-Feb-25 08:00 13-Feb-25 17:00 ALTALINK TE 899s Protection & Control (899s Edgerton) PRC maintenance 9 Hours
13-Feb-25 09:00 13-Feb-25 16:00 ATCO Outage 7L50 (757s Battle River - 491L tap), 757s 709 (757s Battle River) 7L50 pole replacement structure 214 7 Hours
13-Feb-25 09:00 13-Feb-25 16:00 ALTALINK TE 244s Protection & Control (244s Bowmanton) update RAS164 A relay setting to correct an issue 7 Hours
14-Feb-25 07:30 14-Feb-25 11:30 ENMAX, ALTALINK IO 50L (44s Bearspaw Plant - SS-21) enmax to add switch blade back to SW88 switch, enmax will have bus outage at 21sub to remove blade (21.2TR, 50L out of service) 4 Hours
14-Feb-25 08:00 16-Feb-25 20:00 SUNCOR TE 29EDD-1 29EDD1s752 (29EDD-1 Millennium) 29EDD-1 - 29EDD1s752 PRC5 checks 2.5 Days
14-Feb-25 08:00 14-Feb-25 12:00 ENMAX, ALTALINK Outage 50L (44s Bearspaw Plant - SS-21), 21.2TR (SS-21), 21.1C (SS-21), 44s 50X (44s Bearspaw Plant), 60s50 (SS-21) urgent outage to restore 138kV bus risers from the top of SW88 (SS-21) to 21sub 138kV bus for 60s50 CT replacement 4 Hours
14-Feb-25 09:00 14-Feb-25 16:00 ATCO RB 7L696 (508s Lakesend - 892s Ribstone Creek) HOP required to install interphase spacer on 7L696 span 191 7 Hours
14-Feb-25 09:00 14-Feb-25 16:00 ALTALINK RB 696L (508s Lakesend - 892s Ribstone Creek) install interphase spacer on 7L696 span 191 7 Hours

Prepared On:   2025-02-05   16:07:30

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