The 24 Month Supply and Demand Forecast depicts the Alberta Interconnected Electric System's ability to meet the demand for electricity over the next two years. The AESO recognizes the potential market impacts of generation outages and the need to provide market participants timely and appropriately comprehensive outage information. All outage information is provided in aggregate and individual unit outages are confidential.

Please see this market notice for additional information related to future generation availability.

Components of 24 Month Supply and Demand Forecast

Total Expected Internal Supply: indicates the expected availability of intra-Alberta generation after taking into account scheduled outages and derates, less a factor for anticipated generating unit derates, plus assumed wind output, plus assumed solar output.

Import Capacity from BC, SK and MATL: indicates the expected maximum import available transfer capability (ATC) of the British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Montana interties, taking into account limitations caused by outages on the Alberta grid and system conditions in BC, Saskatchewan and Montana in which AB's Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM) is increased. Refer to ISO Rules, Part 200, Section 203.6 and Part 300, Section 303.1 for details of the intertie limits. Limitations to ATC caused by system conditions in BC, Saskatchewan and Montana are excluded.

AIL Load + Operating Reserves: indicates the peak forecast load (AIL) for each day (the peak hour), less load outages (refer to ISO Rule 306.3), less price responsive load (200 MW), less Demand Opportunity Service (20 MW), plus assumed Operating Reserve as per ARS BAL-002-WECC-AB-2.

Surplus: equals Total Expected Internal Supply plus Import Capacity from BC, SK and MATL less AIL Load + Operating Reserves.

Please contact with questions or concerns regarding this forecast.

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